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Medical Grade Peels

What is a Chemical Peel?

Chemical Peels are a type of clinical exfoliation treatment designed to improve skin texture, tone, and overall health. A chemical peel involves applying an acid to the skin to lower its pH. This process loosens the connections between dead skin cells, leading to exfoliation and the stimulation of new cell growth. As a result, superficial layers of dead skin peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion.

Which Chemical Peel Should I Choose?

Flirt offers a variety of peels, each with a unique blend of ingredients. Your skin care professional can customize the treatment program based on your specific skin concerns. These concerns may include skin health, aging, pigmentation, acne, and rosacea.

How Soon Will I See the Results After my Chemical Peel?

While a single chemical peel can provide immediate brightening effects, more significant results (such as improving texture, fine lines, and acne) may require several treatments. Consistent use of home care products is essential for optimal results. We recommend doing a series of chemical peels or seasonal peels for the best results. Your skin care professional will help you with the best treatment plan.

Are Chemical Peels Safe for all Skin Types?

Yes, the chemical peels provided at Flirt are safe for all skin types. Your skin care professional will provide a full consultation and ensure that the right chemical peel is used for your individual needs.

Is there any down time after a Chemical Peel?

The chemical peels at Flirt are considered light-to-medium depth. Light peels are formulated to minimize irritation and redness. Light peels may provide cellular level exfoliation without being visible to the naked eye. Medium peels provide more visible exfoliation and may require some social down time. Your skin care professional will outline what to expect during your appointment.

Why Choose AlmuierMD™ Peels?

Chemical peels improve skin texture and firmness, decreasing fine lines and wrinkles. Peels also even out skin tone, improve acne-prone skin and reduce pore size appearance. You can also check out our full line of Alumier skincare products. AlumierMD™ peels are considered Light to Medium depth depending on your skin professionals' customization for your skin concerns. You may not experience much visible exfoliation even though the peel is working at a cellular level.  Some clients experience more visible flaking and peeling after the treatment.

What is the Perfect Derma™ Peel?

The Perfect Derma™ Peel provides healthy, ageless skin for all skin types and ethnicities. While exact peel formulas are proprietary, The Perfect Derma™ Peel debuts a new era in skin health. It’s the only medical grade chemical peel that features glutathione. Glutathione is the ultimate antioxidant with powerful skin lightening and anti-aging benefits. This is a medium depth peel and a lot of peeling in in 3-5 days following the application should be expected.

Solve Common Skin Concerns

The Perfect Derma™ Peel delivers real results for all skin types and ethnicities and can solve these common skin problems:
• Sun Spots
• Acne scars
• Dull or aging complexion


AlumierMD™ Peels

45 Minutes

This peel is customized to your individual needs focusing on the treatment of your skin concern. This treatment causes intentional, controlled peeling of the epidermis and/or dermis with the goal of simulating new tissue to improve skin texture and tone. A single peel can provide immediate results with brighter, more radiant skin. A series of peels spaced one month apart may be needed to treat your skin concern depending on the severity.

The Perfect Derma™ Peel

45 Minutes

Revitalize your skin with the most amazing medium depth, medical grade peel featuring the master antioxdant Glutathione. This peel stimulates new collagen production and provides superior results for acne, acne scaring, hyperpigmentation, age spots and melasma. It helps to shrink pores, lighten, tighten and brighten the skin. This peel is suitable for all skin types ethnicities and all body areas. The face, neck and chest are the most commonly treated areas.

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